What is DBA ?

A DBA (Doing business as) is any registered name under which a company operates that is not its legal business name. A DBA is sometimes called a trade name, fictitious name or assumed name.

A DBA is not a business structure and does not provide any protection of personal assets like an LLC or a corporation.

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At Rex Legal we offer you a comprehensive service, which allows you to create your company in the United States of America, without having to leave your home.

Advantages of creating a C Corp in the USA

If you already have a business and want to expand into other areas, a DBA can facilitate that expansion, whether it's expanding geographically or opening a new line of business.
If you operate your business as a sole proprietor or as part of a partnership then a DBA can protect your privacy.
Another advantage of a DBA is the potential for branding in different markets. If your company has different lines of business, you can use DBAs to create different brand names that target specific customers.
Ease of compliance
DBA registration requirements and fees vary by state, but the DBA registration process is simple and straightforward.
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Registered companies





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Our teams has more than 15 years of experience in the business sector. We have helped countless entrepreneurs achieve their goals in the United States.