How to apply for the 147C letter to verify your EIN?

How to apply for the 147C letter to verify your EIN?

As we’ve explained before, an EIN is the Employer Identification Number issued by the IRS to identify a business entity.

In this article, we’ll show you how to request a 147C letter to verify your EIN number.

Let’s get started.

What is the 147C letter?

The 147C letter is a document sent by the IRS (Internal Revenue Service) to a company when its EIN is lost or misplaced.

This is to confirm what their number is. It is not a document for requesting an EIN but a document the IRS sends so you can verify what your EIN is currently.

Steps to request the 147C letter

To request this document, call the number 1-800-829-4933; they will assist you only during the following hours: Monday to Friday, from 7 am to 7 pm (local time in the region of the U.S. you are in).

Now, just tell the IRS Business and Tax Line staff that you need a 147C letter.

You will receive your confirmation letter at your company’s physical address within 4 to 6 weeks.

If you still feel you need assistance, don’t have the time, or simply don’t want to go through this process on your own, then contact us. We will be happy to help.

Why should you request this document?

Being able to confirm your EIN is of utmost importance, as you will be asked for this identification number by some financial institutions when you want to open a business account or when filling out tax and payroll forms.

It also serves you to have this document to provide your federal tax ID to other companies or institutions that require it.

So, for any of these cases, you need to have a 147C letter.

Alternative ways to verify your EIN number without the 147C letter

There are several ways to verify your EIN number even if it’s lost or misplaced.

These options include:

  • Check the tax returns that were filed with your company’s EIN.
  • Contact financial institutions where you used your Employer Identification Number to apply for a loan or open a bank account.
  • Check if you still have the confirmation letter that the IRS sent you the first time you obtained your EIN.


If you urgently need to verify your number and haven’t had time to request a 147C letter yet or simply haven’t received it yet, these can be temporary options.

Do you need help with any other legal processes for your company?

We understand that dealing with each of your company’s legal obligations can be tedious and complicated. That’s why we want to help make it easier for you.

Contact us, and we will take care of all the legal processes that may be time-consuming and complicated for you, so you can focus on growing your business.

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